Virtual Veteran Services
Get Started and Hire a Qualified Virtual Veteran for Your Business and Life
According to Companies take note: hiring a veteran of the U.S. Military comes with a host of benefits.
The average cost of an employee is two to three times their salary. By partnering with Up By Their Bootstraps you are not responsible for: payroll tax, workers compensation, sick and holiday leave, training, equipment nor office space.
1. Veterans come from a previous culture built for mission accomplishment in mind.
“Few cultures have been engineered like the one military veterans have been a part of and even fewer … focuses entirely on mission achievement, cooperation and personal development. The fact is that there is no culture in the world that shapes people in the way the military does,” Davis notes.
2. Veterans have ingrained leadership talents
The average age of a Marine, Davis notes, is 19. At 20, most Marines become non-commissioned officers who are placed in leadership positions. As one advances through the military’s ranks, the burden of leadership becomes greater and greater.
3. Veterans take their responsibilities seriously
“Military people get responsibility because when they were very young there were serious consequences to the decisions they made,” writes Davis. Veterans have passed through trials that most people haven’t, ensuring that they are responsible individuals who can successfully carry out their duties.
4. Intuition is a skill, and the military teaches it
“What many people think is that leaders are born. Not in the military. The fact is that many people in military are faced with making life and death decisions in the blink of an eye,” Davis writes. Military personnel have been trained to absorb as much information as possible from a variety of sources — so as to always intuit the best choice available to them.
5. Military people will openly tell you when something is wrong
Military personnel have a questioning and honest mentality, and will not be afraid of telling bosses when an idea could use a second look.
6. Military people will get the job done
“Military people know what it means to have something that needs to be done. They have a sense of urgency and have seen the world through a big picture type mentality,” notes Davis.
7. When given the necessary support, veterans are extremely capable
“When given a proper framework and adequate training [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][veterans] can amaze you at how hard they can work and what they can get done,” Davis writes.
8. Veterans are independent
Veterans are more likely than other demographic groups to start their own businesses, and possess a resourcefulness can help companies grow quickly from the inside.
9. Military personnel know the meaning of hard work
“When on deployment we also work every day. Every single day. There are no holidays, no weekends, no birthdays. It is the same thing every day,” notes Davis.
10. The government pays for veteran education
The government provides veterans with financial assistance for pursuing higher education. By hiring a veteran, companies ensure that they will have employees who can consistently improve while on the job through continuing education initiatives.
- Search Engine Marketing Services
- Website Design and Refresh Services
- Administrative Services
- Computer Repair Services
- Appointment Services
- Answering Services
- Calendar Management
- Customer Service
- Email / Social Media Management
- Inbound / Outbound
- Spanish Speaking Agents
Looking for a talented Social Media / Email assistant to create, market and manage your social media platforms?
- Respond to emails on your behalf
- Email newsletters
- Landing pages
- Reports and analysis
- Social media management
- Guest post management
- Content scheduling
- Graphic design
- A VeteranVA Social Media and Email assistant can lighten the load and support you in operating your business efficiently.
Contact us today for a FREE quote and consultation.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]